Last day of California

Posted on Monday, February 11th, 2013 at 1:21 pm

On our last day we needed something to do after shopping for everyone so we decided to check out the aquarium in Long Beach, I’m glad we did too because it was super cool!IMG_5079

They have a shark exhibit and you can actually touch the sharks and rays…mommy helped me, we had a good time trying to reach them


Horseshoe Crabs


This guy felt like sandpaper


These were the big boys


This guy, he was scary, I ran away when he came to the window because he could eat me quick!


Hiding in a giant shell…mommy and daddy will never find me in here


It’s me, Oliver Robert Mattson


We had a good time at the aquarium even though Ruby wasn’t feeling so hot. Afterwards we went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co and I ate a ton of shrimp with daddy. I have a feeling that the shrimp didn’t play well in my tummy but it was so good I had to eat it.


Once we were done with our early dinner daddy dropped us off at the airport. Our flight was hectic…here is the story about our evening that mommy posted on her facebook page.


As many of you already know, Ruby is sick, finally had a fever today, lost her little crying voice, tries to scream each time she coughs, blows snot bubbles from mass congestion and is pretty much hating life today – I was supposed to fly home with Dave but his work trip was extended so he had to stay, go to check in for my flight and the lady gives me an awful look then proceeds to tell me she’s …going to try to put me on stand by because my flight is 2 hours late ( I got an RX standby, which is only for emergencies because R was sick), was put on an early flight, all was going swimmingly until Oliver passed out. 2 sleeping kids and a heavy backpack to get of the plane, what’s a single mom to do! Strapped on kid to me, carried the other on one hip and threw the bag over the other shoulder. Get down to were my savoir Eric is waiting to help me to my car and we finally arrive…only 40 minutes from home…oh wait, Ruby needs to eat and she has a poopy diaper, ok, I can do this…changing diaper…oh S*#%!, Oliver just threw up all over himself and his car seat…I need a vacation!


It was a crummy end to a great vacation, but in the end, all mommy did was laugh and push through. She carried me up to my bedroom once we got home, grabbed a giant bowl and slept next to Ruby and I the whole night.

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