Archive for September, 2011

I know my name!

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This morning while sitting around the campfire with Mommy, Daddy & Uncle Bruce I decided to play my favorite game with them. It goes like this…

I say “Mommy!” Mommy says “Oliver”

I say “Daddy!” Daddy says “Oliver”

I say “Bruce!” Bruce says “Oliver”

Then, out of no where, I pointed to myself and said “Oliver!”


Mommy & Daddy were super excited because I’m such a smart boy.

My Family

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Normally I only show you pictures of myself, but I thought it would be fun to share some pictures from Uncle Eric’s Engagement party.


Uncle Erin – love the fro!


Auntie Renee & Uncle Jeff – I think they would have been great in the 70’s!IMG_8590IMG_8599

Look at those boots!IMG_8595

My mommy and daddy. Little fact, Uncle Eric had NO CLUE who my daddy was, can’t blame him!


Frances and her fantastic hair doIMG_8624

True love!IMG_8630

All the fro’sIMG_8633

The guys – If only my daddy had that much chest hair, I would have so much fun pulling it all out!


Uncle Jeff – then and now.


I’m so glad that I have all these silly people in my life – I love them all so much!

Hangin’ with Uncle Seth & Grandpa Ron

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Uncle Seth is laughing at me because my belly is so fun it is going to burst!IMG_0680

I had 2 pieces of pizza and an entire large jar of mandrine oranges – not to mention ALL the juice too!


What can I say, I’m a growing boy!


Thanks for taking such good care of me! I love you both so much!

SeaFair–Blue Angels

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So much going on and so hot!IMG_1211

Mommy, look, daddy and boos (Bruce)!IMG_1214

On the hunt for a cold treat




Tasty treat, thanks mommy and daddy!IMG_1318

Bi-plane that was down the way, he was doing all sorts of tricksIMG_1362

Yes, he is upside down!



I missed out on a lot of this because I was snoozing in mommies lap – both mommy and daddy think it is amazing what I can sleep through. I agree!IMG_1645IMG_1676

All the boats lined up for the air show and hydroplanes.IMG_1761IMG_1785

Zoom in on this picture and you can see the pilots!IMG_1918

An amazing show!