Archive for October, 2014

Harvest Party at school

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Our school threw a Harvest Party and we had such a good time!IMAG0574

Woolverine and Doc McStuffin’s in the house!


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Ruby got a duck and I look pretty scurry…IMAG0575

Ruby really wanted teeth but they were so big she couldn’t fit them in her mouth! Sometimes we just have to compromise! IMAG0578


After the party all sugared up…and Ruby and I being silly.

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Check out our Halloween gear that we wore for the next day at school, we are some cool kids…well, maybe I’m the silly one.


Such a fun Halloween trick or treating with Jack, Lily, Baker & Sterling in the Echo Falls neighborhood. Thanks everyone for coming over and hanging out with us!

Pumpkin Carving

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We finally get to carve our pumpkins! I’ve been asking for ages because time is running out!


Let’s get this party started!


Whatchya doing daddy? Can I try? (Mom says, HECK NO!)

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Mmmm, guts!

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Ruby refused to stick her hand in her pumpkin, I tired to show her but she just wouldn’t get dirty!

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The face above says it all!


I’m almost done!

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Ruby is ready to make a face!

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Yea, that’s right, I’m a tough guy! IMG_3160

I wanted to have the creepiest pumpkin around…am I creepin’ you?

The Pumpkin Patch

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We finally made it to the Pumpkin Patch…


What a happy family of pumpkins!

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I sure do love my daddy!

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And Ruby loves mommy! Really we love both our parents!


Daddy teaching Ruby how to use the loud apple cannon…once she figured it it out, she didn’t want to stop. Can’t wait to go again next year!

Jungle Playland

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Hanging out at Jungle Play Land in Mt. Vernon for our cousin Griffin’s 7th birthday. Can’t believe he is 7 years old…we are growing up fast!

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Funny Faces!

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My little sister the ham!


That’s a face daddy!

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I love grapes and these are giant!


Found this baby snail on one of our home grown tomatillos…now we know who’s been eating our garden! Bad snail!

Almost 5 and just turned 2

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Can you believe it, I’m almost 5.

About me:

  • I love to sleep in
  • I’m on an elimination diet and so far it has kind of worked, not going to lie, it is super hard when I want a piece of pizza and have to have meat and veggies.
  • I read my first BOB book by myself just a few week ago
  • I can count to 15 all by myself
  • I can write my name VERY well
  • I like to draw
  • I enjoy doing experiements
  • My current girlfriend is Meliah…and I also have Nicole, Lily, Angeline and Chloe…the list is a long one, what can I say, I’m so darn loveable!
  • I’m learning sight words and sometimes can point them out
  • I color in the lines now and am really good at mazes and picture finds


About my sister:

  • She loves to say “NOOOOOO!” to me all the time
  • She copies everything I do
  • She loves to play with me, she really loves to jump off my bed with me!
  • She gives me kisses and hugs
  • She likes to give Blu treat
  • She loves to say “I yuv chu”
  • She enjoys coloring
  • She is a really good cleaner and even cleans up my messes
  • She is pooping on the potty and loves to go all the time
  • She picks out her own outfits and gets really angry if you try to help her unless she tells you she needs help!


These 5 years have been an adventure and I look forward to making many more memories as I grow.


My family – we are a crazy bunch and I love them all so much!


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“Don’t go cryin’ to you momma…” Good heavens, these girls can get so mad!








Happy face


Silly face


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Kisses! I will always love you Ruby!

More pictures!

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