A new adventure
Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »Last friday I said good bye to some of my favorite people that I love dearly…Ms. Julia & Grandma. I have been going to Ms. Julia since I was a bit over 1 years old. She has taught me so many things and helped raise me to be the sweet, loving kid I am today.
Ms. Julia, I will miss you so much but will certainly come back to visit! My sister and I both love you!
Today Ruby and I stared at our new school. Ruby was less than thrilled (she was tired!) but I was super excited…I was asking to go all weekend! I’m even more excited because my best buddy Jack will be there with me. We are going to learn so much together and I can’t wait!
Ruby had a hard time with mommy leaving at first, so mommy came back to sit with her for awhile. When Ruby was looking mommy left and when she came back to check 5 minutes later, Ruby was just fine… Me, I didn’t care that mommy and daddy had to go. I was so excited going through all the new toys and having Jack there to play! It is going to be a good day today!