Archive for October, 2012

Making pancakes

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Today I’m showing daddy how to make pancakes. My favorite ones are the tiny tiny ones made with drips.

Time to carve the pumpkin!

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But first I must get my ninja suit so I can cut this beast up!IMG_2913


Eeew, what is that gunkIMG_2933

Let’s get it out of there mommy, your doing a good job!IMG_2934

I’m not touching that!


Ok, maybe I will…


This takes some serious concentration.IMG_2975

pumpkin gutsIMG_2986IMG_2988

Hello in there…


Happy face…zombie face…

Griffins birthday party

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Nothing better than a Spiderman cake with blue and red frosting!

The latest

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Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch and corn maze…we had a jolly time until the moment I realized I really had to do potty! Mommy asked me (when she saw me doing the pee pee dance) and when I said yes, I was serious…I ran right over the corn, did my stance but my pants weren’t down. Guess what happened, I peed my pants and I was so upset I was ready to go home. Mommy said I had a hitch in my giddyup because I was walking like an old west cowboy.


My baby sister – I love to entertain her, I sing to her, play my rock guitar, tickle her and give her kisses in the morning and night time…one kiss for each cheek and one on the forehead. I sure do love my baby Ruby!


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Everyone wants to see baby Ruby…


IMG_2307Cam, Auntie Renee & Carter


Teresa…baby Ruby is hiding!



Grandma Mina



Grandpa came to see me!


Uncle Eric


Kari, Kaz & DezIMG_2354IMG_2371IMG_2373

Auntie Stacey



Cousin GriffinIMG_2430

Cousin HudsonIMG_2440

Eric with contacts!IMG_2441


Baby Photos

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Ever wonder who we look like? I think my sister and I are a good blend of mommy and daddy!babyphotos

What do you think?