Archive for November, 2014

First snow and guess who came to visit

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All cozied up in their blankies watching the snow.IMG_3393

Ruby and I are looking forward to finding them each morning.

Turkey Time

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One smoked super tasty bird, can’t wait to eat this guy! Good job mom!IMG_3339 

My sister being cuteIMG_3351

Mommy pulling a MJ move…IMG_3381

Aunt Marcia and her awesome familyIMG_3382 IMG_3386 

My Grandma Charyl and my fantastic great auntsIMG_3370 

My Grandma Charyl


The whole Thurber group, gotta love these guys! Such a fun and wonderful group of people and I’m happy they are my family!


Look at this cutie, can’t wait until Mr. Sawyer is big enough to keep up with us older boys, he’ll be there in no time!

Ruby & her inky

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Have you ever notice how much my sister enjoys her inky (binky)…she is getting older now and everyone questions it but my mom doesn’t care much because she sticks her fingers in her mouth to suck on without her binky. My mom certainly can’t cut her fingers off one of these days so she just sticks with the binky…one day they will all be lost and she will have to deal with it. Until then, here are some cute pictures of her.

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I have a pretty sweet sister!

I am 5!!!

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Auntie Renee made me a bouncy ball cake with cake pops, yummy!IMG_3174 

Fruit & veggies…the good stuff…pizza too!


Ruby loves this car!


Cousin chillin out in the cyclone machineIMG_3213

Auntie Teresa & Jaxson…he’s going to be towering over my baby sis in no time! IMG_3239

Play time over, Jack’s face says it all!


Funny face kids!IMG_3251

Ruby is very unsure, I think Jaxson is right behind her…what is going on!IMG_3301  

I certainly have the best set of friends around. Thank you all that came!

My Name

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I practice writing my name a lot…I thought I’d share with all of you. My mommy and daddy continue to be impressed by my writing skills.