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We took our traditional trip to Remlinger Farms, each year it gets better. This time Gramma Charyl came with us!

Hi Grandma Mina!

Happy mother’s day! I yuv you!

Howdy folks!
Going for a ride on Coconut

Mommy & me!

Wow, look at those tummies! That is my baby sister in there.

Daddy and his mommy

huh?!? my funny faces

Blowing “wishes†(dandelions)

Riding the school bus, can’t wait to do this when I’m 5!
Taking mommy for a ride

I’m such a good driver, thanks for trusting me mommy!
After a long day of playing and walking it was time for ice cream, so yummy!
Time to get serious!

What’s that daddy? I don’t mind if I do!

Mommy had a great day watching me play, thanks Gramma for coming along!
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Well, I must admit, I’m not the best at wearing my brace and shoes and night…they really annoy me when I sleep. So I beg mommy and daddy to take them off and it normally works because they are so tired they just want to sleep too! So, what happens when I don’t wear my shoes, you ask. My foot tightens up and I have to get a series of casts on!
The morning that I had it put on I was kind of sad, but by the time that I got to Miss Julia’s I realized it was pretty cool. Not to mention I got special treatment from everyone. i.e. “you have to be nice to Oliver, he has a cast on, no pushing or hitting him!†This cast thing could be cool! Not to mention I can sleep with it on much easier!

My first cast

Time to saw it off, and guess what…

It tickles!!!! Thanks mommy for holding my ears so it isn’t so loud.

Popping the top of the cast off, below is the special lining they put on so that it keeps my skin dry
Yuck, what is that smell? I had some stinky feet!

Time to put the last cast on. Here goes nothing!

It’s Green!!!
Thanks Dr. J!
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At Echo Lake Church waiting for the egg hunt with Grandma

The Easter basket doesn’t go on your head? It fits pretty well mommy!
After the egg hunt at the church we had all our family over to the “moon houseâ€. You should have seen the spread, I wasn’t super hungry but I hear it was tasty. Thanks everyone for coming, I love each and every one of you!

Note from mom – After each egg Oliver would find he would open up and see what was inside, the egg hunt took a long time but he was one happy camper! He wanted to hunt for eggs at least a week afterwards.
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Grandma Mina sent me a Valentine…look what I had in it!

Hairy toes and all! Mommy says I look just like daddy…especially those toenails!

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Mommy always shoo’s me out of the kitchen when she is cooking but this time she let me in! I got to make my very first pizza all by myself (with a little help) and I sure had fun!

I get to make all 3?!?


Cheese, mini pepperoni & pineapple – it’s good
Olives don’t go on the pizza, they go on my finger to eat…
and, maybe I eat the cheese too!
See mommy!

my pizza

Yummy stuff, but I didn’t really eat it, I might have filled up on pizza toppings before the real thing. Oops! This chef stuff is tough business!