Archive for August, 2013

Ruby Walks!

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So this isn’t the best video because mommy didn’t realize she actually had the camera on…but my sister walked! Yippee!

She is going to be running laps with me in no time!

How could you not love this face

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My sister Ruby is pretty cute, even with food all over the place.


Her only 2 teeth…still!


She is even cute when she poops!


Don’t forget about me! We are a couple of very adorable kids!

Tulalip Casino

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Carol, Grammy’s sister, turned 70 so we took a trip up to the Tulalip…I liked the water fall. This is my family, I love all of them so much!

Ruby dances like an old lady

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Her dress was a bit long on her and she was getting stuck…but she really wanted to dance. I’ll be teaching her my moves soon!

Jack comes for a visit

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I had such a good time yesterday, my best buddy Jack came over to play! We chased each other, laughed, went for an adventure ride, danced, ate and played some more. I can’t wait to have him back over.


Oh yea, his mom and dad came for dinner too, was fun to see them, but I have to admit I was bummed they were there to take Jack home.
