Woodland Park Zoo
Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »Today we went to the zoo with Dan, Michelle & Kalia – 64 degrees and cloudy – perfect time to see all the animals!
Dan & Kalia checking out the animals
She is so stinking cute!
Everyone stopped to see the Peacock – very pretty!
A fresh Ostrich Egg – the zoo doesn’t let them hatch because there are plenty of Ostrich in the world – so they take them and blow the contents out and give them as gifts to large donors. She said the eggs are so thick and strong that you can stand on them. The egg is about the size of 20 chicken eggs.
Below Oliver is checking out the Elephant
He needs a hat to cover up his bald spot
Mommy, its coming at us…lets get out of here!
Monkey’s cleaning one another – do my mommy & daddy do this?
Say Cheese!
Auntie Renee & Uncle Jeff, I was the talk of the town with my cool car set up on my stoller – other kids wondered why they didn’t have this cool contraption. I honked all the way through the zoo. “Watch out Kalia, I’m coming through!â€
We had a great time! Thanks Uncle Dan & Auntie Michelle for inviting us…we should do this again real soon!