New Haircut

Posted on Sunday, July 25th, 2010 at 10:58 am


Ladies…I now have a new haircut and tooth…

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5 Responses to “New Haircut”

  1. Mina Milligan says:

    You look very handsome Oliver! I want to see your new tooth.

  2. Donna Lew says:

    What a cutie! Wearing a tie? I never see Dave wearing a tie. LOL …what happened to the baby? What a handsome young man!

  3. Teresa says:

    I love the flipped up front on his new hair-do… he’s so stinking adorable!

  4. Tanya says:


  5. Cierra says:

    I would TOTALLY go on a date with him… If he was 12 years older! Sooo cute Oliver!

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