Family Easter Celebration
Posted on Saturday, March 30th, 2013 at 9:00 amMommy said, “Guess who’s coming over today?†I said, “I don’t know, you tell me?†I was happy to find out the answer!
Gramma Charyl, Terry, Marcia & Carl, AJ, Mindy, Griffin & Hudson Grammy Christy, Bob & Cathy, Doug, Donna & Videle, Grandma Betty, Dave & Brenda, Uncle Wess, Jeff, Renee, Carter & Camden – It’s gonna be a party!
We all had some super yummy food then it was egg hunt time, Daddy took us all out front and made us find an egg, whatever color we picked up was what we would be looking for in the yard if the Easter Bunny showed up.
Videle picked pink!
Griffin is looking for blue, Cam’s got orange…
Hudson has the golden eggs (yellow)
So excited!
Cam’s got a handful, he’s helping Carter find all the purple eggs
Oliver helping Videle
I’m on a mission for green eggs
Carter found an egg up in the tree, how is he going to get that one!
Oh no, Hudson was so excited he was running and tripped in the yard…Daddy, we gotta even this grass out! Thankfully he had help picking up the eggs and he was back to searching!
Hudson found all his eggs!
Griffin said this was the best day ever! It was, what made it the best was spending time with all my cousins and friends!
Look Oma!
Camden on the search for that one last egg…
Videle must have found what was in the Easter bag, a Care Bear!
Aunt Terry & Ruby
Auntie Renee and Ruby, cuties!
All the family watching the fun
Grammy Christy
Great Uncle Wes, Bob, Doug & Dave
What a day, even Blu is pooped!
Look what I got, yummy, I love bunny ears!
And chocolate in general!
Thanks everyone for coming, we sure had fun playing and visiting. We love each an every one of you!
The moon house was busy today. Lots and lots of Easter eggs to collect. I like the idea of everyone having their own color. That way everyone gets just the right amount. It’s very nice of you to share your home.